Cover Orange Level 92 Walkthrough | Area 5 | Level 5-92


Cover Orange Level 92 walkthrough has you dropping the captain’s wheel on the right point at the top of the structure. This will cause it to swing, as the wheel falls down the hole. The swing will eventually stop, lodged next to the ledge. Now drop another captain’s wheel on the right side of the top orange, which will cause it to roll into the swing. The next step is to drop your pie wedge into the opening of the swing, while the captain’s wheel continues to roll and nudge up next to your lower orange that’s on a chain. The stormcloud will now pass by, dump its acid rain and be foiled for another try.


We’ve included an added bonus Alternate Cover Orange Level 92 walkthrough. Take the first captain’s wheel and drop it on the right side of the center structure. This will cause the swing to set into motion. While the swing is moving upwards (to the left), go ahead and drop another captain’s wheel on the left side of your top orange. This needs to be timed with the swing going up and not down. By timing that last drop properly, the wheel will lodge the swing firmly against the ledge. Now drop a pie wedge down the far right side. This will cause it to slide down and move your oranges to the very edge of the ramp. The goal is for this pie piece to not hit those oranges too hard because they would fall off the ramp and remain unprotected. The stormcloud does its thing and you move on to the next level.

Cover Orange Level 93 Walkthrough
Cover Orange Level 91 Walkthrough

Cover Orange Level 92
HD Walkthrough
Area 5
Level 5-92
iPod Touch Version

iPod Touch

Cover Orange Cheat
Cover Orange Help
Cover Orange Tutorial

Aug 2011

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